Friday, February 25, 2011

Jane at Stonhenge

Here is me at Stonehenge - do I look cold? Well I was freezing!! Stonehenge was only one of many stone circles I visited, but is was by far the most magnificent (there are 900 stone circles, I only managed approx a dozen).    At first glance it was smaller than I expected, but then I started to walk around the perimeter and thought about how long those stones had been there and what stories they could tell.

This stone circle is found on Salisbury plains in Wiltshire, it is a UNESCO world heritage protected site so it is not possible to get near to the stones.  Worth the visit anyway!  The estimated age of the Stonehenge construction is between 3000 and 5000 years old and two types of stone where used in it's construction - Bluestones (which is a collective name) and Sarsen stones.  It is assumed that there were about 80 Bluestones originally weighing between 2 and 4 tons each and they are believed to have originated in Wales.  Therefore a drive was needed to the part of West Wales where the stones are thought to be from. 
My untrained eye could not tell if these were similar stones, but it was a beautiful site all the same. 

The question then remains what was the purpose of stonehenge? Did it have a purpose?  Was it built for astronomical reasons? Ritual? Spiritual? Aliens? Was it the local town hall? Personally, having stood and looked at this magnificent monument that continues to battle against time I believe the purpose had to be significant.  I would like to believe it was a temple, but no one is going to know until we are in the great beyond! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hampton Court Palace

This is the most haunted place I have ever visited! And it started as soon as I entered the old Tudor Palace, no waiting for the sun to go down this time.  There were four places in the palaces (Hampton Court Palace is a double palace, the Tudor palace of Henry VIII and then the later addition for William and Mary) where I became aware of spirits in presence.   However, the entire palatial complex is still energetically imprinted and it is easy to feel the hustle and bustle of Tudor life in the 1500s. 

The first of the active presences was in Henry VIIIs wine cellar.  I can't tell you much about who was in there because I became quite nauseous and quite frankly got the hell out of there! The impression that I was left with was very strong and it was of being crushed by barrels. I have added a picture which clearly shows orbs in the wine cellar. I have more pictures of this cellar and of the attached kitchen which also contain orbs.

The next area of significance was in Henry VIIIs apartments, specifically in the passageway where Henry would have walked to the chapel on Sundays and other occasions.  The passageway is very wide and on one wall is a very large portrait of Henry VIII (see photo) whose eyes seemed to follow you.  However, it was not Henry in this cold haunted passageway it was a female presence.  I was aware it was young female and upon researching I have discovered that it is in this passage way that Queen Catherine (fifth wife) was arrested  and charged with adultery. The arrest was public and very emotional for Catherine.  Is it her that is still haunting the passage?

We now move away from the Tudor era and into the time of the joint monarchs William and Mary - yes spirits with white wigs.  I challenge any one not to catch their breath at first glance of the king's staircase.  The palace for William and Mary was designed and built by Sir Christopher Wren, consequently every room is magnificent.  But King William's staircase is a site to behold.  As I stood there with my mouth open I became aware of a lady on the stairs.  I believe her to be a servant, but a servant of some standing and of some importance to James.  I don't know how she "fell" from favour, but she did and she is still there.  I haven't read anything about a James associated with William IIIs palace - can any history buffs out there tell me anything?  There are three photos of the staircase - the two on the left were taken with different cameras seconds apart.  Look at the bottom right hand corner of the photo on the right - can you see anything?  You might have to make the photo bigger.

The fourth and final room or area to discuss is "The Wolsey Closet".  It is found in the Georgian part of the palace, but contains many Tudor decorations.  No I did not connect with cardinal Wolsey in this room, but how good would that have been?  This male spirit was in the far corner of the room and did not move - in fact would not move.  He was very dapper in his blue suit (velvet I think) and white wig. I have no idea who he is as not only would he not move he also would not speak.  He was in hiding. 

I spent only a couple of hours in Hampton Court, which was not enough time to connect to all the amazing spirits there - I was quite overwhelmed.  I would love to return with enough time and resources to do a complete walk through of the palaces and sit quietly in each room.  Who knows who I could meet!!  

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chakra points of a standing stone

Standing stones have seven chakra points just like us which have been identified with the absorption or transmission of an aerial type of ley energy which passes between the stones in a stone circle.  The heart chakra (which is just above ground level) is associated with the transmission of aerial ley energy to local stones such as those in a circle.  Every stone in a stone circle is engaged in energetic cross talk with all of the other stones.   The third eye chakra is near the top of the stone and is associated with energy transmissions to distant stones or other stone circles.  This will be missing from a lot of the worn stones that we see today. 
These stones "communicated" (did or still do?) with each other both within a circle and between circles or other standing stones! Try and get your head around that!

Taken from "Leylines and Earth energies of Avebury Henge" by Dennis and Maria Wheatley

Friday, January 14, 2011

Henry in the Tower of London

It was a blustery wet day at the Tower of London, it was even quite dark when we got there at lunch time.  I was bracing myself for an onslaught of spiritual activity given the bloody history of the Tower and the age of the construction.  William the Conqueror started to build the Tower in the 1070s reusing some of the Roman city that had been there previously - that's old!  However, as we started our tour, lead by a very witty Yeoman of the Guard, I was struck by the feeling of peace - in fact it felt more like a complete lack of emotional energy.  It was quite relaxing.
But all that changed!
It changed as the sun went down, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
It changed as we walked into Wakefield Tower, haunted Wakefield Tower.
Originally built as part of lodgings for royalty, during the War of the Roses it became a prison.  The Lancastrian Henry VI was imprisoned by the Yorkist Edward IV and it is here that Henry was murdered while at pray.  I first noticed him in the passageway leading from the bedroom to the room that was the Chapel.  He knew that I was aware of him and spent some time circling and "checking me out".  As I moved into the Chapel he followed me and continued to watch me.   He was a bizarre sight, I don't know what he would have said he was wearing but to me they looked like Long Johns - white ones.  But he had accessorised by wearing a crown - he wanted me to know that he was of some standing.
More people entered the room as we continued this strange dance around each other. The king became enraged and broke his silence to shout at me "Why don't they leave me alone".  His mood became more anguished than angered as more tourists entered his chamber.  The anguish was caused by the lack of reverence for the room - it was a room of religion. He felt that the people tramping through were disrespectful to his final resting place. He knows he is dead and he just wants to be left to his peaceful praying.  He wants in death what was taken from him in life.
Here is a photo of me taking a photo in the chapel - I believe this photo has also captured orbs to the left of my head and to the right of me.    

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Lady in Waiting

While on holiday in London I just had to treat myself to high tea at the Orangery in Kensington Palace.
During her reign (1702-1714), Queen Anne spent considerable time at Kensington Palace for recreation purposes and in the first few years of her reign she spent about £26,000 on improving the gardens.  A number of garden buildings were constructed the main one being the Orangery. This building was supposed to serve as greenhouse but it's interior decoration reflects the Orangery’s other uses as a ‘summer supper house’ and a place for entertainment.

While Pauline (my travel buddy) and I sat having our high tea I became aware of a lady making her way around the tables and looking at what everyone was eating and drinking. The lady was quite short and slender with dark hair and wore a lovely white crinoline skirt that she held in both hands and swooshed about as she moved. This lady was very happy to be surrounded by people especially people enjoying themselves.

I sensed this friendly spirit a lot of time under a particular arch and enclosed is the photo that Pauline took of this arch. What do you think about the circle at the bottom of this photo? Do you think Anne is still there?